Text Classification
emb = fastTextWordEmbedding;
filenameTrain = "weatherReportsTrain.csv";
textName = "event_narrative";
labelName = "event_type";
ttdsTrain = tabularTextDatastore(filenameTrain,'SelectedVariableNames',[textName labelName]);
ttdsTrain.ReadSize = 8;
ans = 8×2 table
event_narrative |
event_type |
1 |
'Large tree down between Plantersville and Nettleton.'
'Thunderstorm Wind' |
2 |
'One to two feet of deep standing water developed on a street on the Winthrop University campus after more than an inch of rain fell in less than an hour. One vehicle was stalled in the water.'
'Heavy Rain' |
3 |
'NWS Columbia relayed a report of trees blown down along Tom Hall St.'
'Thunderstorm Wind' |
4 |
'Media reported two trees blown down along I-40 in the Old Fort area.'
'Thunderstorm Wind' |
5 |
'A few tree limbs greater than 6 inches down on HWY 18 in Roseland.'
'Thunderstorm Wind' |
6 |
'Awning blown off a building on Lamar Avenue. Multiple trees down near the intersection of Winchester and Perkins.'
'Thunderstorm Wind' |
7 |
'Tin roof ripped off house on Old Memphis Road near Billings Drive. Several large trees down in the area.'
'Thunderstorm Wind' |
8 |
'Powerlines down at Walnut Grove and Cherry Lane roads.'
'Thunderstorm Wind' |
labels = readLabels(ttdsTrain,labelName);
classNames = unique(labels);
numObservations = numel(labels);
sequenceLength = 100;
tdsTrain = transform(ttdsTrain, @(data) transformTextData(data,sequenceLength,emb,classNames))
tdsTrain =
TransformedDatastore with properties:
UnderlyingDatastore: [1×1 matlab.io.datastore.TabularTextDatastore]
Transforms: {@(data)transformTextData(data,sequenceLength,emb,classNames)}
IncludeInfo: 0
ans = 8×2 table
s.no |
predictors |
responses |
1 |
1×100×300 single |
Thunderstorm Wind |
2 |
1×100×300 single |
Heavy Rain |
3 |
1×100×300 single |
Thunderstorm Wind |
4 |
1×100×300 single |
Thunderstorm Wind |
5 |
1×100×300 single |
Thunderstorm Wind |
6 |
1×100×300 single |
Thunderstorm Wind |
7 |
1×100×300 single |
Thunderstorm Wind |
8 |
1×100×300 single |
Thunderstorm Wind |
filenameValidation = "weatherReportsValidation.csv";
ttdsValidation = tabularTextDatastore(filenameValidation,'SelectedVariableNames',[textName labelName]);
tdsValidation = transform(ttdsValidation, @(data) transformTextData(data,sequenceLength,emb,classNames));
numFeatures = emb.Dimension;
inputSize = [1 sequenceLength numFeatures];
numFilters = 200;
ngramLengths = [2 3 4 5 6];
numBlocks = numel(ngramLengths);
numClasses = numel(classNames);
layer = imageInputLayer(inputSize,'Normalization','none','Name','input');
lgraph = layerGraph(layer);
%create a block of convolution
% a block
% block of
% of convolution
% For each of the n-gram lengths, create a block of convolution, batch normalization,
% ReLU, dropout, and max pooling layers. Connect each block to the input layer.
for j = 1:numBlocks
N = ngramLengths(j);
block = [
convolution2dLayer([1 N],numFilters,'Name',"conv"+N,'Padding','same')
maxPooling2dLayer([1 sequenceLength],'Name',"max"+N)];
lgraph = addLayers(lgraph,block);
lgraph = connectLayers(lgraph,'input',"conv"+N);
View the network architecture in a plot.
title("Network Architecture")
layers = [
lgraph = addLayers(lgraph,layers);
title("Network Architecture")
for j = 1:numBlocks
lgraph = connectLayers(lgraph,"max"+N,"depth/in"+j);
title("Network Architecture")
Training Network
miniBatchSize = 128;
numIterationsPerEpoch = floor(numObservations/miniBatchSize);
options = trainingOptions('adam', ...
'MaxEpochs',10, ...
'MiniBatchSize',miniBatchSize, ...
'ValidationData',tdsValidation, ...
'ValidationFrequency',numIterationsPerEpoch, ...
'Plots','training-progress', ...
net = trainNetwork(tdsTrain,lgraph,options);
Warning: Input datastore is not Shuffleable
trainingOptions specified shuffling. Training will proceed without shuffling.
Warning: Input datastore is not Shuffleable
trainingOptions specified shuffling. Training will proceed without shuffling.
Testing Network
filenameTest = "weatherReportsTest.csv";
ttdsTest = tabularTextDatastore(filenameTest,'SelectedVariableNames',[textName labelName]);
tdsTest = transform(ttdsTest, @(data) transformTextData(data,sequenceLength,emb,classNames))
tdsTest =
TransformedDatastore with properties:
UnderlyingDatastore: [1×1 matlab.io.datastore.TabularTextDatastore]
Transforms: {@(data)transformTextData(data,sequenceLength,emb,classNames)}
IncludeInfo: 0
labelsTest = readLabels(ttdsTest,labelName);
YTest = categorical(labelsTest,classNames);
YPred = classify(net,tdsTest);
accuracy = mean(YPred == YTest)
accuracy = 0.885463599715438
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