Customer Behaviour Analysis using Python
Targeted and proper understanding of customers depends on studying their behaviors . This article is about Customer Behaviour Analysis using Python.
Project Objective: If any company or show-room manager have to find out whether their old or new customer want to buy there product (let say car here) how can they find out that. This can be achieved if they have data (Social_Network_Ads.csv) about customer salary age and other factor field(independent variables) to find out if customer will purchased(dependent variable) the car or not.
Here we use Logistic Regression to find out the prediction. We use Linear Regression , most commonly used when the data in question has binary output, so when it belongs to one class or another, or is either a 0 or 1. If we come to know in advance that this customer have chances to buy the product then marketing team can target them to achieve their salaes.
Firstly, we import necessary library(numpy, matplotlib and pandas) for this model.
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd
Now we read CSV file Social_Network_Ads.csv It contains data of 400 rows and 3 columns - "Age", "EstimatedSalary", "Purchased" The first 2 columns shows customer Age and Estimated Salary. And the last column i.e. Purchased have Binary Value 0 and 1 if the value is 0 then customer estimated to not buy the product and if value is 1 then customer is estimated to buy the product.
dataset = pd.read_csv('Social_Network_Ads.csv') print(dataset) dataset.shape X = dataset.iloc[:, :-1].values #which simply means take all rows and all columns except last one y = dataset.iloc[:, -1].values #which simply means take all rows and only columns with last column
Age EstimatedSalary Purchased 0 19 19000 0 1 35 20000 0 2 26 43000 0 3 27 57000 0 4 19 76000 0 5 27 58000 0 6 27 84000 0 7 32 150000 1 8 25 33000 0 9 35 65000 0 10 26 80000 0 11 26 52000 0 12 20 86000 0 13 32 18000 0 14 18 82000 0 15 29 80000 0 16 47 25000 1 17 45 26000 1 18 46 28000 1 19 48 29000 1 20 45 22000 1 21 47 49000 1 22 48 41000 1 23 45 22000 1 24 46 23000 1 25 47 20000 1 26 49 28000 1 27 47 30000 1 28 29 43000 0 29 31 18000 0 .. ... ... ... 370 60 46000 1 371 60 83000 1 372 39 73000 0 373 59 130000 1 374 37 80000 0 375 46 32000 1 376 46 74000 0 377 42 53000 0 378 41 87000 1 379 58 23000 1 380 42 64000 0 381 48 33000 1 382 44 139000 1 383 49 28000 1 384 57 33000 1 385 56 60000 1 386 49 39000 1 387 39 71000 0 388 47 34000 1 389 48 35000 1 390 48 33000 1 391 47 23000 1 392 45 45000 1 393 60 42000 1 394 39 59000 0 395 46 41000 1 396 51 23000 1 397 50 20000 1 398 36 33000 0 399 49 36000 1 [400 rows x 3 columns]
Next we have to split the dataset into training and testing. We will use the training dataset for training the model and then check the performance of the model on the test dataset.
For this we will use the train_test_split method from library model_selection We are providing a test_size of 0.25 (for better performance because here dataset contain large amount of data) which means test set will contain 100 observations and training set will contain 300 observations. The random_state=0 is required only if you want to compare your results with mine.
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.25, random_state = 0)
print(X_train) # X_train dataset containg 300 observation for training
[[ 44 39000] [ 32 120000] [ 38 50000] [ 32 135000] [ 52 21000] [ 53 104000] [ 39 42000] [ 38 61000] [ 36 50000] [ 36 63000] [ 35 25000] [ 35 50000] [ 42 73000] [ 47 49000] [ 59 29000] [ 49 65000] [ 45 131000] [ 31 89000] [ 46 82000] [ 47 51000] [ 26 15000] [ 60 102000] [ 38 112000] [ 40 107000] [ 42 53000] [ 35 59000] [ 48 41000] [ 48 134000] [ 38 113000] [ 29 148000] [ 26 15000] [ 60 42000] [ 24 19000] [ 42 149000] [ 46 96000] [ 28 59000] [ 39 96000] [ 28 89000] [ 41 72000] [ 45 26000] [ 33 69000] [ 20 82000] [ 31 74000] [ 42 80000] [ 35 72000] [ 33 149000] [ 40 71000] [ 51 146000] [ 46 79000] [ 35 75000] [ 38 51000] [ 36 75000] [ 37 78000] [ 38 61000] [ 60 108000] [ 20 82000] [ 57 74000] [ 42 65000] [ 26 80000] [ 46 117000] [ 35 61000] [ 21 68000] [ 28 44000] [ 41 87000] [ 37 33000] [ 27 90000] [ 39 42000] [ 28 123000] [ 31 118000] [ 25 87000] [ 35 71000] [ 37 70000] [ 35 39000] [ 47 23000] [ 35 147000] [ 48 138000] [ 26 86000] [ 25 79000] [ 52 138000] [ 51 23000] [ 35 60000] [ 33 113000] [ 30 107000] [ 48 33000] [ 41 80000] [ 48 96000] [ 31 18000] [ 31 71000] [ 43 129000] [ 59 76000] [ 18 44000] [ 36 118000] [ 42 90000] [ 47 30000] [ 26 43000] [ 40 78000] [ 46 59000] [ 59 42000] [ 46 74000] [ 35 91000] [ 28 59000] [ 40 57000] [ 59 143000] [ 57 26000] [ 52 38000] [ 47 113000] [ 53 143000] [ 35 27000] [ 58 101000] [ 45 45000] [ 23 82000] [ 46 23000] [ 42 65000] [ 28 84000] [ 38 59000] [ 26 84000] [ 29 28000] [ 37 71000] [ 22 55000] [ 48 35000] [ 49 28000] [ 38 65000] [ 27 17000] [ 46 28000] [ 48 141000] [ 26 17000] [ 35 97000] [ 39 59000] [ 24 27000] [ 32 18000] [ 46 88000] [ 35 58000] [ 56 60000] [ 47 34000] [ 40 72000] [ 32 100000] [ 19 21000] [ 25 90000] [ 35 88000] [ 28 32000] [ 50 20000] [ 40 59000] [ 50 44000] [ 35 72000] [ 40 142000] [ 46 32000] [ 39 71000] [ 20 74000] [ 29 75000] [ 31 76000] [ 47 25000] [ 40 61000] [ 34 112000] [ 38 80000] [ 42 75000] [ 47 47000] [ 39 75000] [ 19 25000] [ 37 80000] [ 36 60000] [ 41 52000] [ 36 125000] [ 48 29000] [ 36 126000] [ 51 134000] [ 27 57000] [ 38 71000] [ 39 61000] [ 22 27000] [ 33 60000] [ 48 74000] [ 58 23000] [ 53 72000] [ 32 117000] [ 54 70000] [ 30 80000] [ 58 95000] [ 26 52000] [ 45 79000] [ 24 55000] [ 40 75000] [ 33 28000] [ 44 139000] [ 22 18000] [ 33 51000] [ 43 133000] [ 24 32000] [ 46 22000] [ 35 55000] [ 54 104000] [ 48 119000] [ 35 53000] [ 37 144000] [ 23 66000] [ 37 137000] [ 31 58000] [ 33 41000] [ 45 22000] [ 30 15000] [ 19 19000] [ 49 74000] [ 39 122000] [ 35 73000] [ 39 71000] [ 24 23000] [ 41 72000] [ 29 83000] [ 54 26000] [ 35 44000] [ 37 75000] [ 29 47000] [ 31 68000] [ 42 54000] [ 30 135000] [ 52 114000] [ 50 36000] [ 56 133000] [ 29 61000] [ 30 89000] [ 26 16000] [ 33 31000] [ 41 72000] [ 36 33000] [ 55 125000] [ 48 131000] [ 41 71000] [ 30 62000] [ 37 72000] [ 41 63000] [ 58 47000] [ 30 116000] [ 20 49000] [ 37 74000] [ 41 59000] [ 49 89000] [ 28 79000] [ 53 82000] [ 40 57000] [ 60 34000] [ 35 108000] [ 21 72000] [ 38 71000] [ 39 106000] [ 37 57000] [ 26 72000] [ 35 23000] [ 54 108000] [ 30 17000] [ 39 134000] [ 29 43000] [ 33 43000] [ 35 38000] [ 41 45000] [ 41 72000] [ 39 134000] [ 27 137000] [ 21 16000] [ 26 32000] [ 31 66000] [ 39 73000] [ 41 79000] [ 47 50000] [ 41 30000] [ 37 93000] [ 60 46000] [ 25 22000] [ 28 37000] [ 38 55000] [ 36 54000] [ 20 36000] [ 56 104000] [ 40 57000] [ 42 108000] [ 20 23000] [ 40 65000] [ 47 20000] [ 18 86000] [ 35 79000] [ 57 33000] [ 34 72000] [ 49 39000] [ 27 31000] [ 19 70000] [ 39 79000] [ 26 81000] [ 25 80000] [ 28 85000] [ 55 39000] [ 50 88000] [ 49 88000] [ 52 150000] [ 35 65000] [ 42 54000] [ 34 43000] [ 37 52000] [ 48 30000] [ 29 43000] [ 36 52000] [ 27 54000] [ 26 118000]]
print(y_train) # y_train dataset containg 300 observation for training
[0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0]
print(X_test) # X_test dataset containg 100 observation for testing
[[ 30 87000] [ 38 50000] [ 35 75000] [ 30 79000] [ 35 50000] [ 27 20000] [ 31 15000] [ 36 144000] [ 18 68000] [ 47 43000] [ 30 49000] [ 28 55000] [ 37 55000] [ 39 77000] [ 20 86000] [ 32 117000] [ 37 77000] [ 19 85000] [ 55 130000] [ 35 22000] [ 35 47000] [ 47 144000] [ 41 51000] [ 47 105000] [ 23 28000] [ 49 141000] [ 28 87000] [ 29 80000] [ 37 62000] [ 32 86000] [ 21 88000] [ 37 79000] [ 57 60000] [ 37 53000] [ 24 58000] [ 18 52000] [ 22 81000] [ 34 43000] [ 31 34000] [ 49 36000] [ 27 88000] [ 41 52000] [ 27 84000] [ 35 20000] [ 43 112000] [ 27 58000] [ 37 80000] [ 52 90000] [ 26 30000] [ 49 86000] [ 57 122000] [ 34 25000] [ 35 57000] [ 34 115000] [ 59 88000] [ 45 32000] [ 29 83000] [ 26 80000] [ 49 28000] [ 23 20000] [ 32 18000] [ 60 42000] [ 19 76000] [ 36 99000] [ 19 26000] [ 60 83000] [ 24 89000] [ 27 58000] [ 40 47000] [ 42 70000] [ 32 150000] [ 35 77000] [ 22 63000] [ 45 22000] [ 27 89000] [ 18 82000] [ 42 79000] [ 40 60000] [ 53 34000] [ 47 107000] [ 58 144000] [ 59 83000] [ 24 55000] [ 26 35000] [ 58 38000] [ 42 80000] [ 40 75000] [ 59 130000] [ 46 41000] [ 41 60000] [ 42 64000] [ 37 146000] [ 23 48000] [ 25 33000] [ 24 84000] [ 27 96000] [ 23 63000] [ 48 33000] [ 48 90000] [ 42 104000]]
print(y_test) # y_test dataset containg 100 observation for testing
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1]
Feature Scaling refers to putting the values in the same range or same scale so that no variable is dominated by the other. Here we can skip feature scaling as it is not nessecary but we are using it to improve traing performance for final prediction as it convert raw data to in its own encoded form so that machine can improve training the data.
We are using StandardScaler from the library sklearn.preprocessing.We create an object of the StandardScaler class and call the fit method passing the X_train and X_test.
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler sc = StandardScaler() X_train = sc.fit_transform(X_train) X_test = sc.transform(X_test)
print(X_train) # X_train dataset containg 300 observation for training after Feature Scaling the data
[[ 0.58164944 -0.88670699] [-0.60673761 1.46173768] [-0.01254409 -0.5677824 ] [-0.60673761 1.89663484] [ 1.37390747 -1.40858358] [ 1.47293972 0.99784738] [ 0.08648817 -0.79972756] [-0.01254409 -0.24885782] [-0.21060859 -0.5677824 ] [-0.21060859 -0.19087153] [-0.30964085 -1.29261101] [-0.30964085 -0.5677824 ] [ 0.38358493 0.09905991] [ 0.8787462 -0.59677555] [ 2.06713324 -1.17663843] [ 1.07681071 -0.13288524] [ 0.68068169 1.78066227] [-0.70576986 0.56295021] [ 0.77971394 0.35999821] [ 0.8787462 -0.53878926] [-1.20093113 -1.58254245] [ 2.1661655 0.93986109] [-0.01254409 1.22979253] [ 0.18552042 1.08482681] [ 0.38358493 -0.48080297] [-0.30964085 -0.30684411] [ 0.97777845 -0.8287207 ] [ 0.97777845 1.8676417 ] [-0.01254409 1.25878567] [-0.90383437 2.27354572] [-1.20093113 -1.58254245] [ 2.1661655 -0.79972756] [-1.39899564 -1.46656987] [ 0.38358493 2.30253886] [ 0.77971394 0.76590222] [-1.00286662 -0.30684411] [ 0.08648817 0.76590222] [-1.00286662 0.56295021] [ 0.28455268 0.07006676] [ 0.68068169 -1.26361786] [-0.50770535 -0.01691267] [-1.79512465 0.35999821] [-0.70576986 0.12805305] [ 0.38358493 0.30201192] [-0.30964085 0.07006676] [-0.50770535 2.30253886] [ 0.18552042 0.04107362] [ 1.27487521 2.21555943] [ 0.77971394 0.27301877] [-0.30964085 0.1570462 ] [-0.01254409 -0.53878926] [-0.21060859 0.1570462 ] [-0.11157634 0.24402563] [-0.01254409 -0.24885782] [ 2.1661655 1.11381995] [-1.79512465 0.35999821] [ 1.86906873 0.12805305] [ 0.38358493 -0.13288524] [-1.20093113 0.30201192] [ 0.77971394 1.37475825] [-0.30964085 -0.24885782] [-1.6960924 -0.04590581] [-1.00286662 -0.74174127] [ 0.28455268 0.50496393] [-0.11157634 -1.06066585] [-1.10189888 0.59194336] [ 0.08648817 -0.79972756] [-1.00286662 1.54871711] [-0.70576986 1.40375139] [-1.29996338 0.50496393] [-0.30964085 0.04107362] [-0.11157634 0.01208048] [-0.30964085 -0.88670699] [ 0.8787462 -1.3505973 ] [-0.30964085 2.24455257] [ 0.97777845 1.98361427] [-1.20093113 0.47597078] [-1.29996338 0.27301877] [ 1.37390747 1.98361427] [ 1.27487521 -1.3505973 ] [-0.30964085 -0.27785096] [-0.50770535 1.25878567] [-0.80480212 1.08482681] [ 0.97777845 -1.06066585] [ 0.28455268 0.30201192] [ 0.97777845 0.76590222] [-0.70576986 -1.49556302] [-0.70576986 0.04107362] [ 0.48261718 1.72267598] [ 2.06713324 0.18603934] [-1.99318916 -0.74174127] [-0.21060859 1.40375139] [ 0.38358493 0.59194336] [ 0.8787462 -1.14764529] [-1.20093113 -0.77073441] [ 0.18552042 0.24402563] [ 0.77971394 -0.30684411] [ 2.06713324 -0.79972756] [ 0.77971394 0.12805305] [-0.30964085 0.6209365 ] [-1.00286662 -0.30684411] [ 0.18552042 -0.3648304 ] [ 2.06713324 2.12857999] [ 1.86906873 -1.26361786] [ 1.37390747 -0.91570013] [ 0.8787462 1.25878567] [ 1.47293972 2.12857999] [-0.30964085 -1.23462472] [ 1.96810099 0.91086794] [ 0.68068169 -0.71274813] [-1.49802789 0.35999821] [ 0.77971394 -1.3505973 ] [ 0.38358493 -0.13288524] [-1.00286662 0.41798449] [-0.01254409 -0.30684411] [-1.20093113 0.41798449] [-0.90383437 -1.20563157] [-0.11157634 0.04107362] [-1.59706014 -0.42281668] [ 0.97777845 -1.00267957] [ 1.07681071 -1.20563157] [-0.01254409 -0.13288524] [-1.10189888 -1.52455616] [ 0.77971394 -1.20563157] [ 0.97777845 2.07059371] [-1.20093113 -1.52455616] [-0.30964085 0.79489537] [ 0.08648817 -0.30684411] [-1.39899564 -1.23462472] [-0.60673761 -1.49556302] [ 0.77971394 0.53395707] [-0.30964085 -0.33583725] [ 1.77003648 -0.27785096] [ 0.8787462 -1.03167271] [ 0.18552042 0.07006676] [-0.60673761 0.8818748 ] [-1.89415691 -1.40858358] [-1.29996338 0.59194336] [-0.30964085 0.53395707] [-1.00286662 -1.089659 ] [ 1.17584296 -1.43757673] [ 0.18552042 -0.30684411] [ 1.17584296 -0.74174127] [-0.30964085 0.07006676] [ 0.18552042 2.09958685] [ 0.77971394 -1.089659 ] [ 0.08648817 0.04107362] [-1.79512465 0.12805305] [-0.90383437 0.1570462 ] [-0.70576986 0.18603934] [ 0.8787462 -1.29261101] [ 0.18552042 -0.24885782] [-0.4086731 1.22979253] [-0.01254409 0.30201192] [ 0.38358493 0.1570462 ] [ 0.8787462 -0.65476184] [ 0.08648817 0.1570462 ] [-1.89415691 -1.29261101] [-0.11157634 0.30201192] [-0.21060859 -0.27785096] [ 0.28455268 -0.50979612] [-0.21060859 1.6067034 ] [ 0.97777845 -1.17663843] [-0.21060859 1.63569655] [ 1.27487521 1.8676417 ] [-1.10189888 -0.3648304 ] [-0.01254409 0.04107362] [ 0.08648817 -0.24885782] [-1.59706014 -1.23462472] [-0.50770535 -0.27785096] [ 0.97777845 0.12805305] [ 1.96810099 -1.3505973 ] [ 1.47293972 0.07006676] [-0.60673761 1.37475825] [ 1.57197197 0.01208048] [-0.80480212 0.30201192] [ 1.96810099 0.73690908] [-1.20093113 -0.50979612] [ 0.68068169 0.27301877] [-1.39899564 -0.42281668] [ 0.18552042 0.1570462 ] [-0.50770535 -1.20563157] [ 0.58164944 2.01260742] [-1.59706014 -1.49556302] [-0.50770535 -0.53878926] [ 0.48261718 1.83864855] [-1.39899564 -1.089659 ] [ 0.77971394 -1.37959044] [-0.30964085 -0.42281668] [ 1.57197197 0.99784738] [ 0.97777845 1.43274454] [-0.30964085 -0.48080297] [-0.11157634 2.15757314] [-1.49802789 -0.1038921 ] [-0.11157634 1.95462113] [-0.70576986 -0.33583725] [-0.50770535 -0.8287207 ] [ 0.68068169 -1.37959044] [-0.80480212 -1.58254245] [-1.89415691 -1.46656987] [ 1.07681071 0.12805305] [ 0.08648817 1.51972397] [-0.30964085 0.09905991] [ 0.08648817 0.04107362] [-1.39899564 -1.3505973 ] [ 0.28455268 0.07006676] [-0.90383437 0.38899135] [ 1.57197197 -1.26361786] [-0.30964085 -0.74174127] [-0.11157634 0.1570462 ] [-0.90383437 -0.65476184] [-0.70576986 -0.04590581] [ 0.38358493 -0.45180983] [-0.80480212 1.89663484] [ 1.37390747 1.28777882] [ 1.17584296 -0.97368642] [ 1.77003648 1.83864855] [-0.90383437 -0.24885782] [-0.80480212 0.56295021] [-1.20093113 -1.5535493 ] [-0.50770535 -1.11865214] [ 0.28455268 0.07006676] [-0.21060859 -1.06066585] [ 1.67100423 1.6067034 ] [ 0.97777845 1.78066227] [ 0.28455268 0.04107362] [-0.80480212 -0.21986468] [-0.11157634 0.07006676] [ 0.28455268 -0.19087153] [ 1.96810099 -0.65476184] [-0.80480212 1.3457651 ] [-1.79512465 -0.59677555] [-0.11157634 0.12805305] [ 0.28455268 -0.30684411] [ 1.07681071 0.56295021] [-1.00286662 0.27301877] [ 1.47293972 0.35999821] [ 0.18552042 -0.3648304 ] [ 2.1661655 -1.03167271] [-0.30964085 1.11381995] [-1.6960924 0.07006676] [-0.01254409 0.04107362] [ 0.08648817 1.05583366] [-0.11157634 -0.3648304 ] [-1.20093113 0.07006676] [-0.30964085 -1.3505973 ] [ 1.57197197 1.11381995] [-0.80480212 -1.52455616] [ 0.08648817 1.8676417 ] [-0.90383437 -0.77073441] [-0.50770535 -0.77073441] [-0.30964085 -0.91570013] [ 0.28455268 -0.71274813] [ 0.28455268 0.07006676] [ 0.08648817 1.8676417 ] [-1.10189888 1.95462113] [-1.6960924 -1.5535493 ] [-1.20093113 -1.089659 ] [-0.70576986 -0.1038921 ] [ 0.08648817 0.09905991] [ 0.28455268 0.27301877] [ 0.8787462 -0.5677824 ] [ 0.28455268 -1.14764529] [-0.11157634 0.67892279] [ 2.1661655 -0.68375498] [-1.29996338 -1.37959044] [-1.00286662 -0.94469328] [-0.01254409 -0.42281668] [-0.21060859 -0.45180983] [-1.79512465 -0.97368642] [ 1.77003648 0.99784738] [ 0.18552042 -0.3648304 ] [ 0.38358493 1.11381995] [-1.79512465 -1.3505973 ] [ 0.18552042 -0.13288524] [ 0.8787462 -1.43757673] [-1.99318916 0.47597078] [-0.30964085 0.27301877] [ 1.86906873 -1.06066585] [-0.4086731 0.07006676] [ 1.07681071 -0.88670699] [-1.10189888 -1.11865214] [-1.89415691 0.01208048] [ 0.08648817 0.27301877] [-1.20093113 0.33100506] [-1.29996338 0.30201192] [-1.00286662 0.44697764] [ 1.67100423 -0.88670699] [ 1.17584296 0.53395707] [ 1.07681071 0.53395707] [ 1.37390747 2.331532 ] [-0.30964085 -0.13288524] [ 0.38358493 -0.45180983] [-0.4086731 -0.77073441] [-0.11157634 -0.50979612] [ 0.97777845 -1.14764529] [-0.90383437 -0.77073441] [-0.21060859 -0.50979612] [-1.10189888 -0.45180983] [-1.20093113 1.40375139]]
print(X_test) # X_test dataset containg 300 observation for testing after Feature Scaling the data
[[-0.80480212 0.50496393] [-0.01254409 -0.5677824 ] [-0.30964085 0.1570462 ] [-0.80480212 0.27301877] [-0.30964085 -0.5677824 ] [-1.10189888 -1.43757673] [-0.70576986 -1.58254245] [-0.21060859 2.15757314] [-1.99318916 -0.04590581] [ 0.8787462 -0.77073441] [-0.80480212 -0.59677555] [-1.00286662 -0.42281668] [-0.11157634 -0.42281668] [ 0.08648817 0.21503249] [-1.79512465 0.47597078] [-0.60673761 1.37475825] [-0.11157634 0.21503249] [-1.89415691 0.44697764] [ 1.67100423 1.75166912] [-0.30964085 -1.37959044] [-0.30964085 -0.65476184] [ 0.8787462 2.15757314] [ 0.28455268 -0.53878926] [ 0.8787462 1.02684052] [-1.49802789 -1.20563157] [ 1.07681071 2.07059371] [-1.00286662 0.50496393] [-0.90383437 0.30201192] [-0.11157634 -0.21986468] [-0.60673761 0.47597078] [-1.6960924 0.53395707] [-0.11157634 0.27301877] [ 1.86906873 -0.27785096] [-0.11157634 -0.48080297] [-1.39899564 -0.33583725] [-1.99318916 -0.50979612] [-1.59706014 0.33100506] [-0.4086731 -0.77073441] [-0.70576986 -1.03167271] [ 1.07681071 -0.97368642] [-1.10189888 0.53395707] [ 0.28455268 -0.50979612] [-1.10189888 0.41798449] [-0.30964085 -1.43757673] [ 0.48261718 1.22979253] [-1.10189888 -0.33583725] [-0.11157634 0.30201192] [ 1.37390747 0.59194336] [-1.20093113 -1.14764529] [ 1.07681071 0.47597078] [ 1.86906873 1.51972397] [-0.4086731 -1.29261101] [-0.30964085 -0.3648304 ] [-0.4086731 1.31677196] [ 2.06713324 0.53395707] [ 0.68068169 -1.089659 ] [-0.90383437 0.38899135] [-1.20093113 0.30201192] [ 1.07681071 -1.20563157] [-1.49802789 -1.43757673] [-0.60673761 -1.49556302] [ 2.1661655 -0.79972756] [-1.89415691 0.18603934] [-0.21060859 0.85288166] [-1.89415691 -1.26361786] [ 2.1661655 0.38899135] [-1.39899564 0.56295021] [-1.10189888 -0.33583725] [ 0.18552042 -0.65476184] [ 0.38358493 0.01208048] [-0.60673761 2.331532 ] [-0.30964085 0.21503249] [-1.59706014 -0.19087153] [ 0.68068169 -1.37959044] [-1.10189888 0.56295021] [-1.99318916 0.35999821] [ 0.38358493 0.27301877] [ 0.18552042 -0.27785096] [ 1.47293972 -1.03167271] [ 0.8787462 1.08482681] [ 1.96810099 2.15757314] [ 2.06713324 0.38899135] [-1.39899564 -0.42281668] [-1.20093113 -1.00267957] [ 1.96810099 -0.91570013] [ 0.38358493 0.30201192] [ 0.18552042 0.1570462 ] [ 2.06713324 1.75166912] [ 0.77971394 -0.8287207 ] [ 0.28455268 -0.27785096] [ 0.38358493 -0.16187839] [-0.11157634 2.21555943] [-1.49802789 -0.62576869] [-1.29996338 -1.06066585] [-1.39899564 0.41798449] [-1.10189888 0.76590222] [-1.49802789 -0.19087153] [ 0.97777845 -1.06066585] [ 0.97777845 0.59194336] [ 0.38358493 0.99784738]]
This is a very simple step. We will be using the LogisticRegression class from the library sklearn.linear_model. First we create an object of the LogisticRegression class and call the fit method passing the X_train(independent variable) and y_train(dependent variable) of traing set.
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression classifier = LogisticRegression(random_state = 0), y_train)
LogisticRegression(C=1.0, class_weight=None, dual=False, fit_intercept=True, intercept_scaling=1, l1_ratio=None, max_iter=100, multi_class='auto', n_jobs=None, penalty='l2', random_state=0, solver='lbfgs', tol=0.0001, verbose=0, warm_start=False)
Here, we predict first row in dataset i.e. first customer haveing age 30 and estimated salary 87000. We use two Dimensional array [[]] because in LogisticRegression it aspect 2D array. Result is 0 which means customer will not buy the car.
Now, we have the y_pred which are the predicted values from our Model and y_test which are the actual values. Let us compare are see how well our model did. As you can see below - our basic model did pretty well.
y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test) print(np.concatenate((y_pred.reshape(len(y_pred),1), y_test.reshape(len(y_test),1)),1))
[[0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [1 1] [0 0] [1 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [1 1] [0 0] [0 0] [1 1] [0 0] [1 1] [0 0] [1 1] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 1] [1 1] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [1 1] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [1 1] [0 0] [0 0] [1 1] [0 0] [1 1] [1 1] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [1 1] [0 1] [0 0] [0 0] [0 1] [0 0] [0 0] [1 1] [0 0] [0 1] [0 0] [1 1] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [1 1] [0 0] [0 0] [0 1] [0 0] [0 0] [1 0] [0 0] [1 1] [1 1] [1 1] [1 0] [0 0] [0 0] [1 1] [1 1] [0 0] [1 1] [0 1] [0 0] [0 0] [1 1] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 1] [0 0] [0 1] [1 1] [1 1]]
We use Confusion Matrix to find out that how much prediction is correct or not (where we have done right or wrong) that is to find the accuracy via accuracy_score. We will be using confusion_matrix and accuracy_score from the library sklearn.metrics.
In the result we can see that the 65 is correct prediction on class 0 (not buy car) and 3 is incorrect on class 1 (will buy the car) in testing and 8 is incorrect on class 0 (not buy car) and 24 is correct in 1 (will buy the car) in prediction. 0.89 is the prediction i.e. 89% of prediction is correct.
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, accuracy_score cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred) print(cm) accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
[[65 3] [ 8 24]]
Take input value from user
print("ENTER CUSTOMER AGE AND EstimatedSalary TO FIND OUT CUSTOMER WILL BUY CAR OR NOT:") age=int(input("Age: ")) salary=int(input("EstimatedSalary: ")) result = classifier.predict(sc.transform([[age,salary]])) print(result) if result==[1]: print("Customer Will Buy Car") else: print("Customer Will Not Buy Car")
ENTER CUSTOMER AGE AND EstimatedSalary TO FIND OUT CUSTOMER WILL BUY CAR OR NOT: Age: 32 EstimatedSalary: 150000 [1] Customer Will Buy Car
Now, we check the result. If the result is one then that customer will buy the car and if the result is zero then that ustomer will not buy the car. Here the result is 1 i.e customer have chances to buy the car.
Logistic Regression is a powerful Machine Learning algorithm that works best on binary classification problems, although it can be used on multi-class classification problems also.